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Annual General Meeting - 10th July

Annual General Meeting - 10th July

Adam Hookway13 Jun - 06:31
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NOTICE of the Annual General Meeting to be held at 7.00pm, Wednesday 10th July 2024 The Clubhouse, The Slade, Tonbridge.

1. President’s Welcome
2. Attendance and Apologies
3. Minutes of the AGM of 28th June 2023
4. Matters Arising therefrom
5. Correspondence
6. To receive the following Reports:
a. Chairman – D Grasby g. Bar – C Hardwick
b. Secretary – M Hewett h. Membership – A Hookway
c. Finance – S Rees i. TJR Ltd – A Crouch
d. Playing – A Crouch
e. House – A Stevenson
f. CDC – J Maidman
7. To invite the Headmaster of Judd School to stand as Patron of the Club
8. To elect any new Vice-Presidents
9. To elect any new Life Honorary Members
10. To elect Officers of the Club:
a. President b. Chairman
c. Hon. Secretary d. Hon. Treasurer
11. To elect members of the Management Committee
12. Resolutions
1. “That pursuant to the powers contained in Section 84 of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, the requirement under section 83 of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 to appoint an auditor of the Society for the accounting year 30th April 2025 shall not apply.”
13. To appoint the reporting accountant
14. To discuss Any Other Business submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting
15. To hear any other relevant matter for the consideration of the Management Committee during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed
16. Closing Remarks

NB Minutes for the 2023 AGM and copies of the 2022/23 Accounts are available to Club Members upon request to the Hon Secretary Mark Hewett

Further reading